Our Front Room is suitable for children aged 0 - 18 months old. Groups are either organised by age or are general 'Open House' (open to all members). The aged groups can be joined by emailing the Memberships Coordinator.
Our Back Room is always 'Open House' for all members to connect and play with each other. The room is suitable for children aged 18 months - 5 years and is open Monday to Friday, 9am - 6pm. Younger siblings are welcome, but parents should be aware that not all toys are suitable for babies.
With an ECP membership, you can attend a Front Room Group Session (if your child is under 18 months), Open House Sessions (open to all members), Dad's Group on Sundays and our fabulous Member Events. Please watch our informational video, or attend a tour to find out more. We no longer offer trial plays, everyone attending playgroup must be a paid member. Sign up as a member online.
Mums & Bubs Fitness
Classes run three times a week. Classes are casual, suit any fitness level and are only $15 for ECP members. Email Kristel at: fitwomenbayside@gmail.com to book, or for more information.
Tuesday: 9.15am-10.30am
Thursday: 10.15am-11am
Saturday: 8.30am-9.30am
Craft Club
Sessions run every Tuesday at 10.30am in the back room. Sessions are free to members, drop in and suited to all ages and abilities. Feel free to message Rebecca on any of the ECP social media pages or send her a text on 0412805025 for more info.